Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
Judith Butler

Other editions

Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
Judith Butler
Gender Trouble: Feminism and the Subversion of Identity
Judith Butler
Routledge Kegan & Paul

By the same author(s)

Jewish Voice for Peace and Judith Butler (foreword)
Judith Butler, Zeynep Gambetti, and Leticia Sabsay
Walter Brogan, James Risser, Seyla Benhabib (contributor), Judith Butler (contributor), Drucilla Cornell (contributor), and Richard Rorty (contributor)
Pheng Cheah, Suzanne Guerlac, Wendy Brown, Helene Cixous, Judith Butler, Martin Jay, Jacques Ranciere, Pheng Cheah, and Etienne Balibar
Clive Cazeaux, Jacques Ranciere, Jean-Luc Nancy, Judith Butler, Alain Badiou, and Slavoj Zizek
Astra Taylor, Cornel West, Avital Ronell, Slavoj Zizek, Peter Singer, Judith Butler, Kwame Anthony Appiah, and Martha Craven Nussbaum
Carla Blumenkranz (Editor), Keith Gessen (Editor), Mark Greif (Editor), Sarah Leonard (Editor), Sarah Resnick (Editor), Nikil Saval, Eli Schmitt, Astra Taylor, Judith Butler, Angela Yvonne Davis, Jodi Dean, Celeste Dupuy-Spencer, Zolt\xe1n Gluck, Elizabeth Gumport, Doug Henwood, Christopher Herring, Svetlana Kitto, L. A. Kauffman, Kung Li, Audrea Lim, Manissa Maharawal, Thomas Paine, Marco Roth, Marina Sitrin, Rebecca Solnit, Stephen Squibb, Sunaura Taylor, and Alex Vitale
György Lukács, John T. Sanders, Katie Terezakis, Anna Bostock, and Judith Butler
Keith Aoki, James Boyle, Judith Butler, Davis Guggenheim, and Cory Doctorow
Hent de Vries, Lawrence E. Sullivan, Veena Das (contributor), Kate Khatib (contributor), Jean-Luc Nancy (contributor), Chantal Mouffe (contributor), Ernesto Laclau (contributor), Judith Butler (contributor), and Wendy Brown
Simon Critchley (editor), Judith Butler, and Ernesto Laclau

In our sections

Feminism and Women's Studies

On our lists

Michelle Tea, Chloe Brushwood Rose (editor), and Anna Camilleri
Eileen Myles, Dodie Bellamy, Robert J. Gluck, Michelle Tea, Daphne Gottlieb, and Diana Cage
Wolfgang Tillmans, Jop Van Bennekom, Gert Jonkers, Bruce Labruce, and Drew Daniel
Guy Hocquenghem, Daniella Dangoor, Michael Moon, and Jeffrey Weeks
Deric Shannon, J. Rogue, C.B. Daring, Abbey Volcano, and Martha Ackelsberg
AA Bronson and Raymond Cha
Cindy Patton and Benigno Sánchez-Eppler
Bill Campbell, Nalo Hopkinson, Nisi Shawl, and Michael Swanwick
José Esteban Muñoz, Joshua Chambers-Letson, Tavia Nyong'o, and Ann Pellegrini
Max Horkheimer, Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, Gunzelin Schmid Noerr, and Edmund Jephcott
Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, and Brian Massumi (translator)
C. L. R. James, Grace Lee Boggs, and Cornelius Castoroadis
Sondra Solovay, Marilyn Wann, and Esther Rothblum
Boston Women's Health Book Collective and Judy Norsigian
Michelle Tea, Chloe Brushwood Rose (editor), and Anna Camilleri
Gender Mutiny (contributor)
Ursula K. Le Guin and Charlie Jane Anders (Foreword)
Dark Star Collective, Emma Goldman, Voltairine de Cleyre, Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, and Jo Freeman
Deric Shannon, J. Rogue, C.B. Daring, Abbey Volcano, and Martha Ackelsberg
cindy crabb (Author)
Walidah Imarisha (Editor), Adrienne Maree Brown (Editor), and Sheree Renée Thomas (Foreword)
Assata Shakur and Angela Yvonne Davis (introduction)
Ronald B. Sakolsky (editor), Robin D. G. Kelley (introduction), Franklin Rosemont (contributor), Penelope Rosemont (contributor), Guy Ducornet (contributor), Paul Garon (contributor), and David Roediger (contributor)
Max Horkheimer, Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, Gunzelin Schmid Noerr, and Edmund Jephcott
Eduardo H. Galeano, Cedric Belfrage (Translator), and Isabel Allende (Introduction)
Walter Benjamin and Hannah Arendt (introduction)
Walter Benjamin, Howard Eiland, and Kevin McLaughlin
Aimé Césaire and Robin D. G. Kelley (introduction)
Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, and Brian Massumi (translator)
Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, and Michel Foucault (introduction)
Huey P. Newton, Ho Che Anderson (Illustrator), and Fredrika Newton (Introduction)
St. Clair Drake, Horace R. Cayton, Richard Wright, and William Julius Wilson
Joyce L. Kornbluh, Daniel Gross, Fred Thompson, and Franklin Rosemont
Grace Lee Boggs, Scott Kurashige, Danny Glover (Foreword), and Immanuel Maurice Wallerstein (Afterword)
E.F. Schumacher (Author)
Martin Luther King, Jr. (Author) and Cornel West (Editor)
Mariame Kaba (Foreward), William C. Anderson (Author), and Zoé Samudzi (Author)
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