Looking Awry: An Introduction to Jacques Lacan through Popular Culture (October Books)
Slavoj Zizek
The MIT Press

By the same author(s)

Elizabeth Wright (editor), Slavoj Zizek, and Edmond Wright (editor)
Clive Cazeaux, Jacques Ranciere, Jean-Luc Nancy, Judith Butler, Alain Badiou, and Slavoj Zizek
Astra Taylor, Cornel West, Avital Ronell, Slavoj Zizek, Peter Singer, Judith Butler, Kwame Anthony Appiah, and Martha Craven Nussbaum
Peter Hallward, Knox Peden, Knox Peden, Alain Badiou, Etienne Balibar, Edward Baring, Jacques Bouveresse, Yves Duroux, Alain Grosrichard, Adrian Johnston, Patrice Maniglier, Tracy McNulty, Jean-Claude Milner, Jacques Ranciere, François Regnault, and Slavoj Zizek
Audrea Lim, Omar Barghouti, Naomi Klein, Ilan Pappe, Slavoj Zizek, Ra'anan Alexandrowicz, Merav Amir, Hind Awwad, Mustafa Barghouthi, Dalit Baum, Joel Beinin, John Berger, Angela Yvonne Davis, Nada Elia, Marc H. Ellis, Noura Erakat, Neve Gordon, Ran Greenstein, Ronald Kasrils, Jamal Khader, and Paul Laverty
Slavoj Zizek, Costas Douzinas, Alain Badiou, Judith Balso, Bruno Bosteels, Susan Buck-Morss, Terry Eagleton, Peter Hallward, Michael Hardt, Jean-Luc Nancy, Antonio Negri, Jacques Ranciere, Mark Russo, Alberto Toscano, and Gianni Vattimo
Alain Badiou, Susan Spitzer, and Slavoj Zizek
Slavoj Zizek, Rex Butler, and Scott Stephens
Theodor Wiesengrund Adorno, Rodney Livingstone, and Slavoj Zizek
György Lukács, John Rees, Slavoj Zizek (introduction), and Esther Leslie

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Georges Bataille, Austryn Wainhouse, Yukio Mishima, and Ken Hollings
Kurt Schwitters, Jerome Rothenberg, and Pierre Joris
Roman Jakobson, Bengt Jangfelt, and Stephen Rudy
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Georges Bataille, Stuart Kendall, and Michelle Kendall
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Andre Breton, Philippe Soupault, Paul Eluard, David Gascoyne, Antony Melville, and Jon Graham
Jennifer Gough-Cooper, Jacques Caumont, Andre Raffray, and Antony Melville
Hugo Ball; Richard Huelsenbeck; Walter Serner, Richard Huelsenbeck, Walter Sterner, Hugo Ball, Walter Serner, and Malcolm Green
José Martí, Roberto Gonzalez Echevarria (Introduction), and Esther Allen (Editor)
Albert Camus, Jacqueline Levi-Valensi, David Carroll, and Arthur Goldhammer
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Abraham Lincoln, Karl Marx, Robin Blackburn, Raya Dunaevskaya, and Friedrich Engels
Louis Pattison, Nick Richardson, Brandon Stosuy, and Nathan T Birk
Gilles Deleuze, Felix Guattari, and Brian Massumi (translator)
Jacques Lacan, Bruce Fink, Heloise Fink, and Russell Grigg
C. G. Jung, Anieda Jaffe, Richard Winston, and Clara Winston
Slavoj Zizek, Rex Butler, and Scott Stephens
C. G. Jung, R. F.C. Hull, and Sonu Shamdasani
Jacques Lacan, David Macey, and Jacques-Alain Miller
Peter Hallward, Knox Peden, Knox Peden, Alain Badiou, Etienne Balibar, Edward Baring, Jacques Bouveresse, Yves Duroux, Alain Grosrichard, Adrian Johnston, Patrice Maniglier, Tracy McNulty, Jean-Claude Milner, Jacques Ranciere, François Regnault, and Slavoj Zizek
Peter Hallward, Knox Peden, Alain Badiou, Yves Duroux, Alain Grosrichard, Serge Leclaire, Jacques-Alain Miller, Jean-Claude Milner, and François Regnault
Sylvere Lotringer (editor), David Morris, Michel Foucault (contributor), Kathy Acker (contributor), Gilles Deleuze (contributor), Guy Hocquenghem (contributor), Felix Guattari (contributor), and Jean-Francois Lyotard (contributor)
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