We Have Not Been Moved: Resisting Racism and Militarism in 21st Century America
Elizabeth Betita Martinez, Matt Meyer, Mandy Carter, Alice Walker, Sonia Sanchez, and Cornel West
PM Press

By the same author(s)

Third World Press (editor), maulana karenga (contributor), Gwendolyn Brooks (contributor), Louis Farrakhan (contributor), Maya Angelou (contributor), Cornel West (contributor), Ishmael Reed (contributor), and Herb Boyd (contributor)
Tavis Smiley (Foreword) and Cornel West (afterword)
Martin Luther King, Jr. (Author) and Cornel West (Editor)
Eva L. Corredor, Cornel West, Michael Lowy, Terry Eagleton, Etienne Balibar, and Fredric Jameson
Astra Taylor, Cornel West, Avital Ronell, Slavoj Zizek, Peter Singer, Judith Butler, Kwame Anthony Appiah, and Martha Craven Nussbaum
The Dr. Huey P. Newton Foundation, David Hilliard, and Cornel West (editor)
John H. Bracey (Editor), Sonia Sanchez (Editor), and James Edward Smethurst (Editor)
James Baldwin, Gwendolyn Brooks, Paul Laurence Dunbar, Ralph Ellison, Zora Neale Hurston, Alice Walker, Richard Wright, Frank Yerby, and Langston Hughes
Barbara Smith (editor), Audre Lorde, Toi Derricotte, Alexis De Veaux, June Jordan, Jewelle Gomez, Alice Walker, Luisah Teish, Gloria Hull, Michelle Cliff, and Bernice Johnson Reagon
Nancy Morejon, Leonard Weinglass, and Alice Walker
Alice Walker (editor), Mumia Abu-Jamal, and Noelle Hanrahan
WENDE MARSHALL (Editor), Matt Meyer (Editor), and Joyce Ajlouny (Foreword)
Osacar Lopez Rivera, Luis Nieves Falcon, Matt Meyer, Rev. Nozomi Ikuta, and Archbishop Desmond Tutu

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