Antonio Negri and Michael Hardt
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By the same author(s)

Colectivo Situaciones and Michael Hardt
Michael Hardt (Author) and Antonio Negri (Author)
Slavoj Zizek, Costas Douzinas, Alain Badiou, Judith Balso, Bruno Bosteels, Susan Buck-Morss, Terry Eagleton, Peter Hallward, Michael Hardt, Jean-Luc Nancy, Antonio Negri, Jacques Ranciere, Mark Russo, Alberto Toscano, and Gianni Vattimo
Colectivos Situaciones, Suely Rolnik, Franco "Bifo" Berardi, Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt, and Arturo Escobar
Jose Bove, Bernard Cassen, David Graeber, Michael Hardt, Naomi Klein, Subcomandante Insurgente Marcos, Bhumika Muchhala, Trevor Ngwane, Njoki Njehu, and Tom Mertes
Stanley Aronowitz, Heather Gautney, Peter Marcuse, Ellen Willis, Michael Hardt, Alex Callinicos, and Manning Marable
Radha D'Souza, David Graeber, John Holloway, Antonio Negri, and Raúl Zibechi
Michael Hardt (Author) and Antonio Negri (Author)
Joseph Beuys, Antonio Negri, and Paolo Virno
Slavoj Zizek, Costas Douzinas, Alain Badiou, Judith Balso, Bruno Bosteels, Susan Buck-Morss, Terry Eagleton, Peter Hallward, Michael Hardt, Jean-Luc Nancy, Antonio Negri, Jacques Ranciere, Mark Russo, Alberto Toscano, and Gianni Vattimo
Colectivos Situaciones, Suely Rolnik, Franco "Bifo" Berardi, Antonio Negri, Michael Hardt, and Arturo Escobar

In our sections

Autonomist Marxism
Marxism, Socialism & Communism

On our lists

Frances Goldin (editor), Debby Smith (editor), Michael Smith (editor), Michael Moore, Mumia Abu-Jamal, Angela Yvonne Davis, Joel Kovel, Michael Ratner, Richard D. Wolff, and Frances Fox Piven
Carla Blumenkranz (Editor), Keith Gessen (Editor), Mark Greif (Editor), Sarah Leonard (Editor), Sarah Resnick (Editor), Nikil Saval, Eli Schmitt, Astra Taylor, Judith Butler, Angela Yvonne Davis, Jodi Dean, Celeste Dupuy-Spencer, Zolt\xe1n Gluck, Elizabeth Gumport, Doug Henwood, Christopher Herring, Svetlana Kitto, L. A. Kauffman, Kung Li, Audrea Lim, Manissa Maharawal, Thomas Paine, Marco Roth, Marina Sitrin, Rebecca Solnit, Stephen Squibb, Sunaura Taylor, and Alex Vitale
Writers for the 99%, A.J. Bauer, Christine Baumgarthuber, Jed Bickman, and Jeremy Breecher
Mari Jo Buhle, Paul Buhle, John Nichols, Michael Moore, Patrick Barrett, Mary Bottari, Roger Bybee, Ruth Conniff, Gary Dumm, Simon Hardy, Frank Emspak, Ashok Kumar, Tom Morello, David Poklinkowski, Matthew Rothschild, Sharon Rudahl, Charity A. Schmidt, Kim Scipes, and Nick Thorkelson
Janet Byrne, David Graeber, Ariel Dorfman, Barbara Ehrenreich, and Nouriel Roubini
Amelia Stein, Martin Jay, Frances Fox Piven, Susan Buck-Morss, Sol Yurick, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, and Seyla Benhabib
David Grusky, Doug McAdam, Robert B. Reich, and Debra Satz
W. J. T. Mitchell, Bernard E. Harcourt, and Michael Taussig
Alan W. Moore
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